
Name: Meleys & Verde
Animal Type: Cat
Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Gender: None
Adoption Code: None animal-tracker

Verde & Meleys are 4-month-old bonded, kitten friends. They love to play around with crinkle balls, bird feathers, ball towers, crunched up paper and even tennis balls.    Verde: is tabby boy with a white face, belly, and feet.  Verde has one eye, and like every proper pirate, loves adventures and rumbling with his mateys. Intrigued with humans and kittens alike, Verde bounds to greet his human friends when they arrive home and eagerly climbs on their laps (and laptops) for snuggles and work consults. Verde, a clear extravert, seeks out human company and is the first of his kitten gang to cuddle up close. Verde is a loving, playful, furbaby who’ll put a smile on your face and warm your heart.   Meleys: couldn’t be more different than her fire-breathing dragon namesake. A demure and elegant white and gray tabby girl, Meleys strides with a regal ballet dancer’s gait. She’s an independent soul and enjoys observing the world from the safety of a private perch. She can often be found sitting in the window looking at birds or snoozing in a shoe box until her next opportunity to rumble with her siblings. While still a bit shy, she’s made huge strides in learning to trust humans and now becomes a purr-machine when getting chin or back scratches.  She will thrive in a calm home.   Verde and Melys are excellent feline citizens, adept at A-plus grooming and litter box habits.  They can be mixed and matched with littermates Balerion and Syrax as they are all equally bonded.  

Shelter Name: Brooklyn Bridge Animal Welfare Coalition, Inc.
Shelter City: Brooklyn
Shelter State: NY
Shelter Website: Brooklyn Bridge Animal Welfare Coalition, Inc.

Connecting animals at risk of euthanasia to their future adopters.
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